Navigating the DevOps Roadmap
3 min read
The world of DevOps is abundant with tools and technologies, which can create confusion for novices. This blog charts out a DevOps roadmap, discussing the various phases of DevOps and popular tools that come in handy at each stage.
Intern to DevNet Professional Certification: My Personal Journey
3 min read
If, like Mohit, you enjoy both software development and networking, then Cisco DevNet certifications has plenty to offer by integrating network infrastructure with software applications, automation, and programmability. Here are Mohit's top recommendations to help you get started on your own DevNet learning and certification journey.
The Rise and Rise of DevOps Adoption
4 min read
DevOps adoption continues to surge as organizations chase the benefits of accelerated workflows. Meanwhile, tech professionals who build the DevOps skills to embrace this momentum face a rewarding road ahead.